Chapter 1. The fetal phase, the foundation for your later years

Having freedom or not having freedom. The difference is an unconscious reaction or a response to an external stimulus. Why is it that you never reach your goal? Shall we break this down in an attempt to make it more tangible? Let’s try getting back to our inner foundation so that we may all flourish in who we are, instead of continuing to live on auto-pilot, allowing our lives to be determined by the social norms and dogmas of the outside world.

Here I am once again, not 3,000 kilometers from home like I was when writing my last book, but here at the home front, writing about a subject matter that I have been working with for a long time.

Long before I knew I would become a doctor, I often wondered what actually happens in the period before we become conscious. What happens to us in the first weeks as an embryo in the womb, the months after that as a fetus, and the first couple of years after birth when the consciousness has not yet developed?

Over the last fifteen years, I have researched this intensively in order to uncover all that can happen and what I believe can be the influence of this on our later life. It is an unconscious period that is actually timeless. If we ask ourselves how long that period lasted, not one of us can come up with an answer. It was a period of primitive consciousness or the subconscious. It was timeless.

My research led to the conclusion that, already from the time that we were in the womb, we received all kinds of input from the outside world that determine how we will react later on in life. For example, if we will be spontaneous or a know-it-all, or hyper sensitive. And also how important that will be for the rest of our postnatal lives, our life after birth. At the time, I was already interested in the collective conscious and the research of Jung in this area – the invisible influence we also react to. Sometimes you see behaviours emerging among the masses, while the individual people are unaware. This behaviour is based on a collective conscious, such as when the Netherlands wins a football game. This sends out a wave of vibration that can be felt throughout the country. Even if you have no idea that there is a football game going on, you will notice that there is something different in the atmosphere.