From my wife, Martine, I learned that diving (in the underwater world) is another way to re-experience the fetal world, for encountering it and restoring it. The underwater world, whether diving or snorkeling, can give you a fetal consciousness. Through repetition and continuous careful observation and sensing what you experience in that timeless world under water, you can become aware of the hiatus from the period when you were in the womb.

In my practice, I work with psychomotoric exercises, using particular body positions to recreate the various periods in the womb and discover the energy of each to restore a piece of your development. I have trained many people to work with this method.

You can use the exercises to reach a diagnosis, but also as a form of therapy to further develop a hiatus that was revealed in a safe and familiar environment. Since the time you were in the womb was a period in your life that was not safe and natural, this method enables you to begin restoration, but under safe circumstances. You do so under the guidance of a therapist so that you can once again have a solid foundation in your life.

Furthermore, I give workshops for the targeted healing of hiatuses originating in the fetal phase and thus also for the restoration of the foundation.

We will ultimately need to push beyond our boundaries in order to restore these pieces that have been continuously neglected, while it is exactly these pieces that are needed to form the basis for the development of a human possibility. Pushing beyond our boundaries together is far more productive than doing it alone. Still, there are things that we must do alone. During pregnancy and birth, for example, both mother and fetus are focused on their individual processes. There is a certain distance maintained during development, and that is not a bad thing. You can go through this together, but the process is yours alone.

To push through boundaries together, you will need a certain curiosity. Curiosity is a healthy characteristic to overcome your fears. Fear causes you to be reserved and becomes an obstacle to progressing further. It stunts your growth. Curiosity is often a driving force for discovering new horizons.

The intention of this book lies in our past, in our fetal consciousness, discovering the new horizon. And there is so much more to discover! Aren’t you curious to discover the beauty of your true nature and the many possibilities of becoming whole? Your children, your loved ones, are waiting already for years for these to become visible.

By continuing to hide your wholeness, your true nature, and camouflaging it with fear, you are a thief of your own self, and you are also a thief to your loved ones. You are, in fact, hiding the most beautiful aspects of yourself and not allowing these to be seen.

Only a thief has something to hide.